The DADA Gallery Guide was initiated in 2008 as an effort to promote the Denver Art Dealers Association members to the Denver community with a high-quality, standard scale (8.5 x 5.5 inch) publication produced on a regular basis. The cover of each issue featured an artwork from an affiliated gallery, with each member receiving a full-page within the guide to promote their operation. Art institutions in Colorado could also support the publication of the guide by purchasing their own full-page advertisement for the back pages. The simple format has been in place for over a decade, though currently with no standard protocol other than to create a new guide when appropriate or member finances allow.
The most engaging aspect of the design was the incorporation of a public artwork from the City of Denver’s collection, or other public artwork of unique stature and prominent placement, in the opening page 2-3 spread within the guide. In this manner, visual art is highlighted for its public attributes with DADA members serving as the bellwether for high standards within the art collecting community. I produced the majority of the photographs for these spreads, in order to control the wide format and signature approach that continued across the entire history of the guide.
Summer 2008
Fall 2008
Winter/Spring 2009
Summer/Fall 2009
Winter/Spring 2010
Summer/Fall 2010
Winter/Spring 2011
Summer/Fall 2012
Annual Guide 2014
Annual Guide 2015
Annual Guide 2018