The Digital Daily was a focal initiative of Denver Digerati that I initiated in 2017 towards the goal of positioning digital animation as a new and continuous form of Public Art, through direct access to public LED screens and protocols developed within the Denver Theater District’s media partners. A monthly rotation of select digital animations was presented daily on the 16th and Arapahoe LED Screen located in the heart of downtown Denver, Colorado, directly adjacent to the historic Daniels & Fisher clocktower and its Night Lights Denver exhibition. Opportunities to present brief animations on additional screens in the District also materialized, but none with the consistency and impact that the 16th and Arapahoe screen afforded the concept. Below is a wide array of the 30 second animations presented up through 2022, created specifically for the screen in most cases by leading artists from all around the world, determined through a call for proposals as well as curation based on works presented in conjunction with the annual Supernova Digital Animation Festival.