Supernova 7th Dimension was my final year as Creative Director and Curator for Denver Digerati. After regaining post-pandemic stability and developing credible leadership that could allow the organization to flourish, I realized that intensifying health issues that emerged through the pandemic would require my full attention, forcing my decision to move on from the project. The 7th edition of Supernova proved to be as distinguished as ever, with the network of local and international artists once again expanding exponentially and broad support from community partners returning nearly to the full form of previous years. The Artistic Design and Direction for this year’s festival was developed and delivered at its highest level yet, with opportunities for print publication graphics, expansive social media, and an online interface delivering the full promise of motion-based graphics as a portal to today’s leading digital animation and artistry. The materials presented below offer a snapshot into the visual caliber and distinguished platform that had been my life’s most exciting and successful initiative to date.
Supernova 7th Dimension poster. sandwich board and print publication ad
Denver Digerati presents “Supernova 7th Dimension”
The 7th annual Digital Animation Festival / September 1 - 30, 2022
Denver, Colorado and Online
Power, software, Pixels! Denver Digerati returns to form, delivering the pulse of digital animation and motion art to Denver through public screenings, exciting new live events, and community partnerships with a continuation of our expansive slate of online programs occuring daily throughout September.
Read the full Supernova 7th Dimension PRESS RELEASE HERE
SUPERNOVA 7th DIMENSION graphics from the original festival homepage
Preview for Supernova 7th Dimension feature programs
This is the official Supernova 7th Dimension Festival content preview consisting of samples from across all programs presented that year. The 9 feature categories and their sample program previews are below.
Focal Competition Awards
Grand Prize: Young Joo Lee / Lizardians
2nd Place Award: Roman Muradov / My Jeopardy
3rd Place Award: Xi Chen / Chicken of the Mound
Honorable Mention: Zongo Jiang/ Shared Planet
Honorable Mention: Mahsa Merci / Limbo 2
Director’s Choice Awards
Award of Distinction: Heesoo Kwan / Leymusoom is Holding Us
Award of Distinction: Steven Lapcevic / Time
Student Shorts Awards
Grand Prize: Yuki Sun / Without End
2nd Place: Vivien Forsans / Bedroom People
Honorable Mention: Marcella Moliner / H.O.M.E.
Honorable Mention: Mo Xiaolan / Cold Square
Everything Abstract Experimental
Grand Prize: Megan Jedrysiak & Jackson Ammenheuser / Shorthand Stasis
Honorable Mention: Alessandro Amaducci / Remake Remodel
Honorable Mention: Dirk Koy / Intersect
Honorable Mention: Marcos Montane / Hamartia
Everything Abstract Sonic
Grand Prize: Austin Slominski / Faster than the ground below me
Honorable Mention: Tsz-Wing Ho / Pulse at the Center of Being
Honorable Mention: Louis Prince / Ice Cream Island
SUPERNOVA 7th DIMENSION marketing graphics
Supernova 7th Dimension Vertical marketing ad for print publication
Supernova 7th Dimension Full Page ad for Daria Magazine July 2022