I founded Supernova Digital Animation Festival, the first annual festival in the world dedicated exclusively to digital animation and motion art, in 2016 as a focal initiative for Denver Digerati. The desire to spearhead a film and media based festival was rooted in my decade long history as a staff member with the Sundance Film Festival, as well as later initiatives hosting curated film screenings through Plus Gallery as well as the MCA Denver. Supernova challenged not only my curatorial sensibilities and understanding of contemporary art, but also my ability to take full control over the visual branding of a festival and to produce a wide range of print based materials including promotional fliers, posters, catalogs, and other items that could promote a sophisticated and coherent design aesthetic. A new theme is developed for the festival each year to dictate the all encompassing design direction.

The following are a limited number of my favorite designs created for Supernova, dating back to 2016.

Sandwich Board graphic for Supernova @ CU Experience Gallery

Supernova 7th Dimension Poster Graphic

Promotional flier for Supernova 7th Dimension launch, 2022

Supernova 7th Dimension Sponsor Deck, 2022


Supernova Regeneration Promotional poster, 2021

Supernova Regeneration Feature Program Graphics, 2021


Supernova World on Fire Promotional Poster, 2020


Supernova Promotional Poster, 2019

Supernova Sandwich Board Map, 2019

Supernova Promotional One Sheet, 2019

Supernova Banner Signage for Denver Museum of Nature & Science Collaboration, 2019

Supernova Sponsor Deck, 2019


Supernova Reality Bytes Poster Schedule, 2018

Supernova Reality Bytes Invitational Competition Promotional Flier, 2018

Supernova Reality Bytes Education Forum Promotional Graphic, 2018

Supernova Reality Bytes Catalog Opening Spread, 2018

Supernova Reality Bytes Special Event Promotional Graphic, 2018

Supernova Reality Bytes 40 page printed catalog page spreads, 2018

Supernova Reality Bytes Sponsor Deck, 2018


Supernova Promotional Poster, 2017

Supernova Outdoor Banner, 2017

Supernova Youth Programming Promotional Graphic, 2017 (assembled 40 page catalog graphics)

Inaugural Supernova Promotional Poster, 2016

Inaugural Supernova Live Performance Promotional Graphic, 2016

Inaugural Supernova Launch Party Promotional Graphic, 2016